a real friend would have signed it, 'your secret admirer...'

One of my girlfriends recently said, "When I was in my 20's, I thought Sex and the City was totally unrealistic. In my 30's, I'm finding it pretty accurate."
I agree for lots of different reasons. One of them is that in my 20's, when I had a weekend like the weekend I'm having this weekend, my best friends had neither the money nor the inclination to have flowers delivered to me. Both of those things have changed.
Unrelated, I am watching lots of "It Gets Better" videos. They're not just for bullied LGBTQ teens anymore! Or maybe they are, but I'm sneaking the time I went to a crystal meth anonymous meeting by mistake. These are totally making me feel better about myself. This one is my favorites.
Speaking of it gets better, I am now on my way to have dinner with a bunch of men with whom I attended high school. Two of them inspired this post. And none of them I spoke to from 1992-1996. So if nothing else, it only took fifteen years but I finally got invited to sit at the cool kids table. Only now the table is at the House of Prime Rib...

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