Rachel Bilson ponders a pantyless 'Hart of Dixie' PSA

ZoehartRachel Bilson is game for some equal-opportunity viral promotion when it comes to her show "Hart of Dixie."

After a spoof public service announcement made the YouTube rounds, with her costar Wilson Bethel preaching the benefits of baring one's chest, Bilson says a female response could happen.

"Like pantyless? I mean, it could happen," she told us at L.A.'s Sherbourne restaurant, where she was toasted as Nylon magazine's current covergirl.

"Is that weird? Is that CW?" she asked of her home network. "I don't think they'd do it, but I know a few other networks that would."

Jokes aside, we asked if life was different leading the medical drama, as opposed being part a large ensemble cast on her star-making "The O.C."

"Honestly, I just work a bit more," she said, "but my costars are amazing."

And supportive, it appears, with cast members Bethel and Deborah S. Craig turning up to cheer her on, along with Ashlee Simpson and her "Boardwalk Empire" boyfriend Vincent Piazza, Shenae Grimes, Trevor Donovan and Evan Ross.

Nylon editor in  chief Marvin Scott Jarret and American Eagle hosted several courses of deliciousness, over wine and conversation, complimenting Bilson on her fashion prowess and a successful flagship season for "Dixie."

Nightlife architect Scott Sartiano popped in as folks buzzed about the week's previous Nylon Guys event, where "Breaking Dawn" stud Kellan Lutz celebrated his own cover at the Beverly lounge next door.

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