For Justin Bieber, loyal Beliebers may be the best birth control

Justin Bieber hugs fans as baby saga continuesJustin

Bieber will soon take a paternity test in hopes of proving Mariah's Yeater's baby boy is not his — but before that happens, folks who've toured with him are backing up Bieber's assertion that there's no way he and Yeater could have hooked up privately for backstage sex.

Post show, Bieber is more focused on fleeing his sometimes-overzealous "Belieber" fan base.

"The security is so crazy there, you can't get backstage. And even if you got backstage, first of all, he leaves the show as soon as he's offstage, which is pretty cool," Gabe Saporta of Cobra Starship, which opened for the 17-year-old on the My World tour, told MTV News. "He runs offstage, gets in a car and jets, because the whole city turns into chaos."

On the "Today" show last week, Bieber told Matt Lauer that he goes "from the stage right to the car" at the end of each show.

Max George of the Wanted, who toured with Bieber in South America, told a similar tale to the Mirror,

"Justin is like our adopted little brother; that's why I believe all this baby stuff is rubbish," George said. "Any spare time Justin had on tour, he'd joke around — crawling under seats and grabbing girls' ankles. It was hilarious."

This has been a really rough time for the young superstar, 23-year-old George added. "He's had the worst time of his life and handled it so well. Doing the paternity test shows how grown-up he's being about it."

Bieber crisis-management rep Matthew Hiltzik on Monday confirmed it: The "Baby" singer will undergo DNA testing upon his return from a swing through Europe, which included stops at the MTV Europe Music Awards, where he and Selena Gomez held hands in front of the cameras, and the Bambi awards in Germany, where he hugged fans onstage.
Yeater, in the meantime, did an interview this week with "The Insider" -- watch the edited version below -- in which she said she went public now because this is a "very serious" matter than Bieber needed to know about. She fled the room in tears twice during the interview, the show said.

About the paternity test — turns out the folks at "Maury," famed for delivering paternity tests live and on camera, is "actively pursuing" the opportunity to host the Biebs' test results, a spokesperson for the show told Huffington Post.

"Maury is trusted by millions of viewers, and if Maury told Justin, 'You are not the father,' everyone would believe it," a former "Maury" exec producer told MTV News.

Hmmm — we're thinking some folks might believe it even without Maury, but maybe that's just us.

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Ashton Kutcher's Paterno tweet sends actor running for PR cover

The Kutcher Paterno tweet has snowballed
Ashton Kutcher
, Twitter quitter? Kutcher came to Joe Paterno's tweet defense Wednesday, expressing outrage over the Penn State coach's firing. Unfortunately, Kutcher hadn't looked into why Paterno was fired before he hit "Tweet."

Things have not gone well since then for @aplusk — to the point where on Thursday he essentially surrendered his Twitter autonomy to his publicists.

"While I will continue to express myself through @Aplusk I'm going to turn the management of the feed over to my team at Katalyst Media to ensure the quality of it's content," he said in a statement. "My sincere apologies to anyone who I have offended. It was a mistake that I don't think will happen again."

Kutcher, sometimes referred to as the mayor of Twitter, has more than 8 million followers on the microblogging site.

"How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste," Kutcher said in a tweet that has since been deleted — which he said he sent after seeing only a headline that Paterno had been fired. "I assumed that he had been fired due to poor performance as an aging coach."

Paterno, as most of the world with access to the Internet or a TV knows by now, was fired in the wake of a child sex-abuse scandal in which he admitted he was one of two people who knew what was allegedly going on.

Kutcher, as maybe fewer know, recently stepped up to advocate against child sexual exploitation. Ouch.

Despite his rapid retractions and apologies, the Twitter world lit into Kutcher, including this gem: "Who is more ignorant? @Aplusk, or the over EIGHT MILLION idiots who follow him?"

Kutcher's response: "honestly it's me."

The Twitter hand-off does give the "Two and a Half Men" star cover in another embarrassing area: So much for parsing his tweets for an explanation of that alleged tryst with Sara Leal while his wife, Demi Moore, was away on business.

That said, we just stumbled across this, which @aplusk tweeted last week. And we agree with him: Maybe the cutest picture ever.

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